Effective Tools

This area serves as a resource of effective tools that are available for purchase to help you along your journey. You’ll be able to enjoy instant access…


Root Chakra - 396 Hz


Root Chakra – The healing frequency associated with this chakra is 396 Hz. It can clean emotional guilt & fears and dissolves negative feelings. It can aid in balancing hormones. CLICK HERE to benefit from the healing benefits of this frequency


Sacral Chakra - 417 Hz


Sacral Chakra – The healing frequency associated with this chakra is 417 Hz. It can aid with creative visualization. It can also help to increase sexual energy and pleasure. CLICK HERE to benefit from the healing benefits of this frequency


Solar Plexus Chakra - 528 Hz


Solar Plexus Chakra – The healing frequency associated with this chakra is 528 Hz. It can increase personal power and confidence. It also helps with decision-making and manifestation. CLICK HERE to benefit from the healing benefits of this frequency

Heart Chakra - 639 Hz

Heart Chakra
– The healing frequency associated with this chakra is 639 Hz. It can improve your personal connections with others and assist in developing healthy loving relationships. CLICK HERE to benefit from the healing benefits of this frequency

Throat Chakra - 741 Hz

Throat Chakra
– The healing frequency associated with this chakra is 741 Hz. It helps you to connect to your higher self and aids in communication and expressing your authentic self. CLICK HERE to benefit from the healing benefits of this frequency


Third Eye Chakra - 852 Hz

Third Eye Chakra – The healing frequency associated with this chakra is 852 Hz. It assists with our connection to Devine source.  It also deepens and enhances our meditation experience and spiritual communication. CLICK HERE to benefit from the healing benefits of this frequency


Crown Chakra - 963

Crown Chakra – The healing frequency associated with this chakra is 963 Hz. It assists with spiritual awakening. It activates the pineal gland and is looked upon as “God’s Frequency.” CLICK HERE to benefit from the healing benefits of this frequency



Solfeggio frequencies audios


Root Chakra – Here is a special one-hour 396 Hz audio that you will enjoy. This chakra can assist with cleaning away guilt and fears along with dissolving negative feelings. New to listening to solfeggio frequencies? This is a great one to begin your journey with…


                   Just $4

Sacral Chakra – Here is a special one-hour 417 Hz audio that you can benefit from. This chakra can assist with improving creative visualization, sexual energy, and pleasure…


                   Just $4

Solar Plexus Chakra – Here is a special one-hour 528 Hz audio that you will enjoy. This chakra can assist with increasing your personal power, confidence, decision-maker ability, and ability to manifest…


                  Just $4

Heart Chakra – Here is a special one-hour 639 Hz audio that you will benefit from. This chakra can assist with enhancing relationships, communication, understanding, positive energy, and love…



                   Just $4

Throat Chakra – Here is a special one-hour 741 Hz audio that will help connect you to your higher self. This chakra enhances communication and feelings of empathy.  It helps you to express your authentic voice…



                   Just $4


Third Eye Chakra – This special one-hour 852 Hz audio can help connect you to your Devine source. It can enhance your meditation experience and your spiritual communication…



                   Just $4

Crown Chakra – Here is a special one-hour 963 Hz audio that can help lead you to spiritual awakening. This frequency activates the pineal gland and  is looked upon as God’s Frequency…



                   Just $4

For more wonderfully effective audios that will be helpful along your path, please click here